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English Language Learners

English Language Learners

Berlin-Boylston Regional School District is a 'low-incidence' district for English language learners (ELLs). In other words, we do not have many students for whom English is not their first language. In a typical school year we have a total of around 30 students in our  three schools  who are officially listed as "Limited English Proficient" (LEP) or whose English has improved to the point where they are reclassified as English proficient. The majority of our LEP students have Portuguese as their primary language. Other languages spoken by our LEP students' families in the last few years have been Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.

Students who arrive at schools in Boylston and Berlin with a language other than English as their primary language may have been born in a non-English speaking country, or they may have been born here in the United States.  Their families may speak little to no English, or they may speak very good English. Every family enrolling students in the district is asked to complete a home language survey. If the survey indicates that a language other than English is used in the home, the state of Massachusetts requires that we evaluate the student's English language proficiency and then offer English language support if necessary. Families are not obliged to accept the offered language support but it is, of course, highly recommended.

Research shows that although children quickly become fluent enough in English to do well socially, it can take students anywhere from three to seven years, even with support, to reach a level of academic English on a par with their native-speaking peers. The BBRSD schools: Tahanto Regional Middle/High School, Boylston Elementary School and Berlin Memorial School do not set a time limit on the English language support provided to students. It is available to them for as long as they need it, as evidenced in their work with the English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, in the regular classroom and on assessments. Equally, once a student is deemed by his/her teachers and the ESL teacher to no longer need the extra support, the family is informed. FLEP students' progress is monitored for 2 years, and if during that time it proves that the English language support has been withdrawn too early, it can be reinstated.

All students who are listed as English language learners are required to take the state English proficiency test, the WIDA ACCESS test in January, even if the student's family has refused English as a second language support. The test assesses students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English in the following areas:

  • Social & Instructional Language
  • Language of Language Arts
  • Language of Mathematics
  • Language of Science
  • Language of Social Studies

BBRSD has adopted the Sheltered English Instruction  model of instruction for English language learners. This involves ensuring that all classroom teachers who have ELLs in their classes have completed the training for working with ELLs that has been mandated by the state. ELL students spend some time working directly with the ESL teacher, in most cases every day, and spend the rest of their time in the English language mainstream classroom.  BBRSD is committed to making sure all students get the support they need to make excellent progress in their education.