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Reminders from the School Nurse

Working Together


  • Masks are required in all School Health Offices (Nurse's Office). Please make sure that your student has a mask with them every day, as we cannot supply masks for everyone when needed. 
  • A new doctor's order is required for all medications at the beginning of each school year or any time a medication order changes. Please bring this in along with your child's medication, which needs to be in its original prescription container and labeled by the pharmacy. All medications are disposed of at the end of each school year if not picked up by the close of the last school day.
  • Students are not allowed to keep medication on them, unless there is a doctor's order stating that this is allowed (for inhalers only). 
  • There are several over-the-counter (OTC) medications that I am able to administer to your child, with your prior consent. If you haven't already, please fill out the OTC Consent Form (on the right side of this page) and return it to me by email, fax, or mail. I will call every time prior to administering any OTC medications, if a consent is not already on file. 
  • If your child is entering Grade 7 or Grade 10, a current physical is due at the beginning of the school year. They are also required for all student-athletes at Tahanto. Physicals are good for 13 months. 
  • Calling your child in sick: Please do, as this lets us know that you are aware your child is not in school and is safe. In addition, it provides us with current illness information that may be trending. We understand that not all illnesses require a visit to the doctor. If your child visits the doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc., please do get an excusal note as they also excuse absences in addition to the 3 parental excusals per semester. (Please see the policy handbook for unexcused absences.)
  • If a student has a medical diagnosis requiring frequent absences and/or tardies, an updated doctor's note is required every 3 weeks.
  • If your child has an injury that requires accommodations/restrictions while in school, please send in a Dr's letter explaining the accommodations or restrictions that should be in place and the end date for them.

    Healthy children learn better. Please keep in mind the basics of healthy living and teach your child life-long health habits.

    • Frequent handwashing is the first line of defense against germs.
    • Start the day off right by eating a healthy breakfast. Breakfast-eaters score higher on tests and have better grades, behavior, and attendance.
    • Encourage healthy foods: offer lots of fruits and vegetables and whole-grains; limit junk foods such as sweets and chips; have regular mealtimes.
    • Encourage water for thirst instead of soda or juice.
    • Be sure your children get DAILY exercise out in the fresh air whenever possible.
    • Be sure they get plenty of rest each night.
    • Teach your children to keep their bodies and hair clean (daily showers/shampoo), use deodorant as needed, to brush their teeth twice a day, and to wash their hands often.
    • Avoid exposing your child to second-hand smoking, either in the house or in the car.
OTC Medication Consent Form (NEW as of Nov 2021)

OTC Medication Consent Form (NEW as of Nov 2021)

Please Sign and Return As Soon As Possible, Thank You!